Wednesday, October 4, 2017


 This week we read The Book of Mistakes and discovered that the main character/artist was very FLEXIBLE!  
Flexibility is seeing and trying many possible actions within a task, and being open, or when one thing doesn't work you try a different way. When you are flexible, you may have to "change the plan" in an instant! The main character/artist  showed us flexibility when her mistakes become part of the picture. The artist's mistakes help change the pictures in important ways, make the picture better, and make the story more interesting. She was willing to try different ways of drawing with her mistakes. 

Please share specific examples of when you have been flexible.  Write 4 to 5 sentence and be sure to check for capitalization and punctuation.


  1. My dad was flexible when he shot a dear and he mist and he stayed five more minutes and he got a big buck

  2. I was flexible when I was going to have a sleep over but I waited one more week.Another time I was flexible was when my mom had surgery so are plans changed.I also had to stay with my grandparents.I was flexible when I could not go to school for two weeks because of harvey.

  3. I was flexible when my sleepover buddy threw up and had to go home. It was sad, but I was flexible.

  4. When my mom had to leave for a funeral when I was in Canada.

  5. I was flexible when my grandmother house flooded during Harvey. I had to sit in the car and wait because it wasn't safe. My parents were cleaning the house so I had to be patient. I am flexible when I have to leave a play date early because of my sisters volleyball

  6. I was flexible when my german class was canceled because of a
    german holiday so I had to be flexible and go home

    1. That's sad Felix. by the way this is Haley not Mrs. Wainright.I am just using hers.

  7. I was flexible when I moved. I hade to share a room with my sister because my grandparents house got flooded.

  8. I was flexible when Harvy hit. I had to go clean houses instead of watching t.v. and going to a friends house. And one time I was going to a friends house.But then I got sick.

  9. i had to be flexible when i was going to my grandparents house be cause my grandmother did not feel well so we had to stay home and are other grandmother came to see us and me and my sis and my brother and my grandmother had sooooooo much fun we played a lot of games!!!!

  10. I was flexible when we were moving my sister into college. Harvey hit Houston so we could not go home. We had to move hotels a lot. We had to stay there for one more week.

  11. I noticed when Sienna was flexible. I was sick and she did not want to go to gymnastics. Sienna was flexible and still went. She did not have as much fun but it was still worth it for her.

  12. I was flexible when We had a bake sale! When we were trying lots of ways to get people to come and get cookies and brownies. We walked to the end of the street did not help.Going up to houses did not work. At the end we ended up waving signs saying back aid on them and break dancing to music!

  13. My friend Caitlin was flexible. She was supposed to go to California. But her flight got canceled. She was flexible and she waited for the next flight.

  14. I was flexible when my beloved sister, Mina, left to college at the University of Texas. It was hard not to have her around the house of glory. I was also flexible when i had to give my puppy back to the breeder because he had a illness, he was very little and we could only keep the puppy for one night which was very sad.

  15. I was flexible when I thought my train was broken and I waited and figured out it was not broken. I am flexible when I stay late and go early to school every day because my sister has to be there. I am flexible when I ride in the back of the car every day because almost everyone else in the car is a girl and they don't want to climb around in the car.

  16. I was flexible when I my house flooded and I didn't have a room.
    I was flexible when I was in a pool and there was lighting and I didn't want to get out, but Idid because I did not want to get shocked.

  17. I was flexible when my canvas fell on the paint bord. Instead,I made it in to a colorful circle.i was disappointed because that was my last canvas.
    I was also disappointed because it was a wast of paint. I was flexible because I liked it too .

  18. I was flexible when my house flooded.We had to leave for at leased a month or a little longer.But at leased we had my grandparents house t live in.And I got the best bed in the house.But my mom had to be really flexible when all of her stuff got taken away like her bed and our baby pictures.And still till this day she is looking for paint colors.
