Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Visiting Author Candace Fleming

Candace Fleming IS HERE!  Today is the day! Candace Fleming shared a wonderful 
presentation with us! Please share your wow's, new learning and thoughts about her writing process.  I can't wait to hear what your thoughts are about our fantastic visiting author! Write 4 to 5 sentences using the correct grammar and punctuation. 


  1. The squid got me really interested and creeped out. I like that she was very tense when she was telling her story, because it felt like we were in it and we go so excited. I love the story she told us about the cake and hot dogs. That got me so hungry! I also like that she makes something nonfiction, into something that could be fiction. I wish Candace Fleming comes back because she is great!!

  2. It was cool how she picked up new ideas just by walking around and listening. It is gross that giant squid particles just end up on the beach were everybody is playing. The only book I read by Candence Fleming is the book about giant squids I loved it and I can't wait to read more books by her. I loved how funny Candence is and her dog🐶 is so cute.

    1. whats particles?

    2. I agree, Her dog is SO CUTE!

    3. The ones that washed up on the shores

  3. She is so cool .I never knew that giant squids have three hearts .It is disgusting that two ten year old boys found a giant squid's eye. But how many book has she written?

  4. Wow! I did not know that octopuses had hard beaks. And chewed with there tongue. I also I did not now that whales ate giant squid. And Candace Fleming's dog is so cute.

  5. It is so cool that she is so clever. She made so many cool books.It seems cool that she gets ideas from walking around. I wonder how many books she has written😎

  6. I love Candice Fleming's books and her thoughts about the giant squid. The giant squid is so big and loves to hide. I wonder what the giant squid eats. I wonder if the baby giant squid is a highter chance to see.

  7. Candace was so funny. I did not now that she loved 😍 giant squids. I wonder witch kind of book she likes to wright the most nonfiction or fiction? I wonder what her favorite book is?

  8. I never knew that giant squid have the largest eyes in the world. Also they are very mysterious. I think that is why Candace enjoyed writing about it. I liked the story Clever Jack Takes the Cake. I wonder what next year's visiting author will be!

  9. I loved Candace's stories. She was so funny! I never knew that a giant squid had spikes on its tongue. I already knew all the other stuff about the giant squid. I also knew about the fight between a sperm whale vs. giant squid. I loved the story about the cake. Clever Jack takes the cake. I loved the video with The Beast vs Giant Stuffed Squid! I loved the way she used real life stories and turned them into actual book stories, like the beach story that was turned into Clever Jack takes the cake.

  10. its cool how candace gets ideas from her eyes and her ears. how did her friend make the ball like the glowy ball and make it waterproof and put a camera in and connect all the wires and make it well umm a ball.

  11. I think Candace Fleming is so cool she uses her everyday life then makes it into a book. I think Candace loves to tell stories! Next the giant squid it was so cool now it makes me want to learn more about them!

  12. I like that she takes every day things and makes them into a story. I love all her books. I want to learn more about them. I love her 🦑 squid.

  13. Candace Flemings books are really good. Her books are about things that are real and she does not make up anything. She seemed really nice. I like the giant squid its really cool.

  14. I like Candace Fleming's books. She comes up with her ideas from stuff that actually happened. She saw a giant squid eye and it was cool because it was the shape of a soccer ball.

  15. Candace Fleming was probably my favorite visiting author we've had. She was so funny and I loved her stories. I did not know that a giant squid could grow to be as large as a school bus. Or that Sperm Whales were their number one predator. I can't believe we only recently received video footage of a giant squid.

  16. I like it how every day when she goes some where, she gets inspired and makes a story about it.I think it is super cool that she saw a giant squids eyeball!!!

  17. Candace Fleming was an amazing author. When she showed us the giant eyeball of the squid I thought it was really little, but it turns out it wasn't. I was really looking forward to hear Jack Takes the Cake and she read it to us. I would love to read more of her books.

  18. Candace is my favorite author in the world!!! I did not know she loved Giant Squids. She made me really interested in Giant Squids. I thought her presintation was going to be very boring but it turned out it was so funny I had to laght out loud!😍
