Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Courage to do the Right Thing!!!


In assembly last Friday, Mrs. Babine talked about courage.
She said that one way to define courage is the ability to do something difficult even if you are afraid.

Please share a time when you have had the courage to:
  • tell the truth the first time you are asked/admit a mistake
  • stand up for a friend
  • stand up for yourself
How did you feel when your were admitting to making a mistake. Were you nervous? Were you sorry for what you did? Has anyone ever stood up for you in a tough situation? Make sure to write at least five good sentences. 



  1. The meaning of courage is being able to do the right thing thing. One example is not eating the last cookie when you want to. Courage is wen you stand up at recess. Courage is being able to be in the dark for 5 minutes. courage is doing the right thing when no one agrees with you

    1. Courage is watching sleeping bueaty when you are a boy.

    2. That is a lot of courage even.Adept for that sleeping beauty one.

  2. Courage is when you are standing up for someone when they are being bullied or when you are being.Courage is also not eating a cookie when you really want to.Courage is telling someone you like them.Courage is sleeping in the dark with no light and you are afraid of the dark.Courage is kissing a frog and you are really afraid of frogs.

    All that is courage.

    1. especaily kissing a frog

    2. kissing a frog sam thats crazy! Who would do that!?

  3. courage is when you standup for somebody. when someone is being bullied you should go get a teacher.courage is jumping off the high dive. courage is walking home on your own. courage is doing something you don't want to do.

  4. One time at recess someone was cheating and everyone stood up to that person. It was good that everyone did that because that would be unfair because it would be the wrong call. But the person said no that's not true. Then we told an teacher and everything was ok. Then we had a great time playing our game. It took courage for me to tell a teacher because the bully can be really mean!!!

  5. At recess someone pushed someone. Every one said stop. The bully said, "Why would I listen to ya'll?" he said. Then we told an adult the adult told him to sit out. Then we played on and had fun. I had courage because if I didn't then we would fight the hole time.

  6. Once about 4 months ago my friend Greer was bullied and pushed down. Even though I was afraid that they would push me down to I had courage. I was also afraid of being a tattle tail. But then I realized that I was reporting not tattling. So I told the teacher and the bullying ended.

  7. My mom gives me courage to not be a bully. My dad gives me courage not to cheat. My friends give me courage to try new things. My family gives me courage when I play sports. I give courage to my classmates that think they can't do things. I give courage to my friend Elizabeth to try new things. I have courage to stand up for everyone. That is how I show courage!!!!!

  8. If I was being bullied I would stand up for myself and have courage and stand up for others. My friends give me courage to try new things.My Family gives me courage to do stuff Ive never done before.If my friends stand up for me they have courage. Courage is when you are getting bullied and you have courage to stand up for yourself.Courage is brave.

  9. I think courage is when you are playing a game and someone is having a hard time playing, but then you stand up for them and go ahead and say: "It doesn't matter if you are winning or losing. It matters if you are trying your best and having fun." Courage is also when someone is being bullied, and you stand up for them like #1 in the book "One". Then you help them to where they are never bullied again, by giving them the courage they need. I think that everyone should have at least a little courage to give them that push that they need to stand up for themselves.

  10. Courage is about doing the right thing and telling the truth and speaking up for other people. You should always be courageous even if you will get in trouble. Being honest is having courage. Courage is helping your friends when they are down. Courage is doing the right thing even when you don't want to!!!

    1. hello my name is aiden. I think the same as you

  11. I remember in first grade during snack that I was playing a game with someone and in the game she screamed. The teacher called us up to her desk and I admitted that I had been playing and I apologized. And when I stood up for someone was when my older cousin was being mean to my younger cousin. Having courage is when you tell the truth and stand up for yourself. When someone is bullying you it is not wrong to go tell the teacher. You should always do that immediatly.It is always good to have courage.

  12. I think courage is when you stand up for someone or someone stands up for you. An example for courage is to tell a bully to stop bullying your friend, or to have courage in yourself to tell a teacher the truth. Courage is if you are a little cat walking through a big group of dogs. I think everyone needs courage in themselves so they are not always frightened and act like a scaredy cat!!!

  13. Courage is standing up to a bully when they did something mean. Courage is telling the truth even when you know you are going to get in trouble. Courage is saying that you are sorry when you did something mean. Courage is forgiving your friend if they apologize for doing something mean. Courage is admitting a mistake when you made one.

  14. I had courage one time when my little sister was being bullied. A group of boys said that she was weird, and I told them to leave. Another time that I had courage was I was at camp and I tried new things like swimming in the lake. Another time I had courage was when I jumped off the high dive. Courage to me is doing things that I am not always comfortable doing like doing the blob at camp. It is is also making new friends and being a good friend to them.

  15. One time I gave courage to myself and told my teacher I forgot my homework at home. One time I saw that my cousin was hitting my sister so I went over and told him to stop. But then he started hitting me so I told him to stop. But he didn't so I went downstairs and told his mom. I had courage because if I didn't come in and tell him to stop my sister would get badly hurt.

  16. Courage is standing up to bullies. Courage is trying new things. Courage is going on the new roller coster. Courage is admitting things even when you might get in trouble. Courage is being brave. One time I had courage in my drama class when I admitted to a teacher that I did something wrong because I thought I would get in trouble. It takes courage to tell the truth when you might get in trouble. l

  17. I think courage is like a friend because it helps you get through tough times like when it helps me get through dark places with I am afraid of.Once I stole a cookie from my Mom and I told her what I did.Once my friend Mia was being bullied and I stood up for her.And once I was being bullied and I stood up for myself.


  18. I think courage is when you stand up for a friend. I also think courage is trying new things. Also I think courage is standing up for yourself. I also think courage is falling off a bike and getting back on. I think courage is jumping out of a plane with a parachute. It is good to have courage in life!!!


  19. I think courage means standing up for yourself and yoru friends. Once wmy friend stood up for me. Me and harry had a fight and my brother Joe stood up for me. I think Joe has courage.

    Liam (Portgordon Primary)

  20. I fell in my garden once. My brother saved me. He is courageous.

    Timmy (Portgordon Primary)

  21. I was at my friend Luca's house in Port Soy. I fell off the slide and my friend helped me up. I think he is couerageous.

    kaden (portgordon primary)

  22. Hello

    I enjoyed your post about courage.
    I think its good to have courage because its good to tell the truth. It is also good to stand up for a friend and yourself.
    Cool blog ! I really liked it.

    From Molly ( Portgordon )

  23. I relay like your things about curig
