Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Do you have GRIT?

This week we have been talking about having GRIT when you read and in life. Grit is when you work hard even if you struggle and you keep trying. Grit is when you stick to something no matter how challenging it can be. I had to have grit when I learned how to slalom on water skis. That is when you ski on one ski. Watch a little video on GRIT here. Tell us about a time that you had to have GRIT in your life. Write 4 to 5 complete sentences with the correct punctuation and capitalization.


  1. I had grit when I tried to ride my bike. I also have grit when I read I love to read. I had grit when I tried to use my hellies aka shoes with wheels on the bottom.

  2. I had grit when I read a 414 page book for summer reading and then had to read 9 more books. I also had grit when i tryed to ski. The first time i rode a bike it took grit.

  3. I had grit when I was learning how to ride my bike. I also had grit when I was learning how to jump rope. I also had grit when I was convincing my parents to get a puppy.

  4. I had grit when I had to read a 573 page book. I also had grit when I was learning how to play soccer.I also had grit when I was learning how to ride my bike.It took grit learning how to play the piano.

  5. Had grit when I was riding my bike. And I had grit when I was playing basketball and my knee had cut which made it hard to run down the basketball court but I still did it.When my dad had to let us read for 1 hour even though I wanted to go outside and play.Ihad grit when i was playing my football game i named my finger and it was hard to catch but I still catched it.

  6. I would sayI have a little grit. Sines the grit test I think I have gotten a LOT of grit. I'm still working but I'm growing grit supper fast especially at night when i'm reading. I am working on staying faucet on my book and to getting distracted. Thank you for the help Mrs.O'Connell!

  7. I have had grit when I was skiing in colorodo. It was is cold in the winter so I wasent used to the climate.

  8. I had grit when I catch the ball in football . Sometimes I have to jump in the air. Other times I have to run very fast to make a play. I love football so it is worth all of the grit.

  9. I had grit when I was doing the high dive at the Bellaire Pool. It was so high up! My sister said that I should just close my eyes and imagine unicorns below me. I did and it worked! P.S. I was not allowed to wear goggles so... yeah.

  10. I have grit when I play sports.It is hard in soccer when the other team try's to deffend me when I have the ball. And also keeping it close to score. I love sports so it is worth it!

  11. I had grit when I played soccer with 16 and 17 olds.It was hard.I got hert two. But after 1 month it was fun.That is how I got to be a good soccer player.

  12. I had grit when I learned how to ride my bike. I was four years old when I learned how to ride a two-wheeler. I also grit when I rode on a boat for the first time. I was only three and I was scared the boat would flip over.

  13. When I used grit I was not hitting good that game. I kept trying to not get out and I was hitting it to first short stop and getting out. Then I finely hit the ball in the last inning to left field for a single. It was great! I was happy and excited and I didn't give up!!!

  14. I had grit when I did gymnastics. I fell a lot but I got up again!!!

  15. I had grit when I was five and I was learning how to ride a bike. Boy oh boy I worked on it for all most a year. In the middle of it I stopped. I tried and tried and I got it for the rest of the week! I ride my bike and now I ride my bike a lot.

  16. I had grit when I Learned how to wakeboard. It was hard to get up, but It was fun.The next time I came back I was so good at wake boarding. I now love to wake board!!!

  17. I had grit when I was skiing and it was super cold. When it was steep I motivated myself and I did not give up . I kept trying. I also had grit when I was riding my bike and I keep trying and I finally got it.

  18. I have grit when I leaned to run at 9 Months.I also had grit when I learned to ride my bike with two wheels. I had grit when I first learned how to water ski. I have grit when I first held a PYTHON!! Well I was at camp when that happened. It was pretty heavy though. I try to never give up when I try something new.

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