Wednesday, February 6, 2019

International Fair

I am exhausted from traveling to Egypt and Iceland in the same week!  Let's share our new learning from both counties!
Also, please share your reflections from each country. What was your favorite thing to do, see or hear? Did anything surprise you? Did anything amaze you?  Tell us all about it! Write four to five complete sentences. Be sure to use capital letters and end marks. 


  1. It's hard to choose but I liked Egypt because of The Nile River because it was fun to catch fish and I did not know that there was architectures in Egypt. So that was very fun. An I liked Iceland because I never knew that they made green houses and they had like a full mountain of grass to protect the house and I also liked the boat. But overall I loved International Fair!!!!!

  2. I like eygpt because of there market places. Because I am a collector. And I like the pyramids. I like Iceland because of the ice caves. And the watrfalls.

  3. I pick Egypt because it was very fun looking in a tomband seeing whats inside of them! And in ice LAnd there were green houses and they were very cool. In the boat you could hear souds of whales and the ocean!here are some facts i learnd. in Egypt they put your orgens in a jar! In Ice Land you could go behind a waterfall!

  4. I liked Egypt because we could fish. I liked the ice cave and the water fall and mama was there.

    1. I allso liked the dig thang. I allso liked the waterfall.

  5. I liked Egypt because you dig and fish and do all kinds of stuff. My favorite part was digging for those things. It was kinda cool looking too. And I liked the Ice cave so I think I like both.

  6. I like Egypt because I thought it was fun fishing in the Nile River. I also liked searching for the treasures in the sandbox and trying to put the puzzle together. I wonder if anyone figured it out? I liked Iceland because the entrance was an ice cave. The boat ride was fun and the waterfall was very cool and looked real. I can't wait for next years IFair!

  7. I liked Egypt the best.I loved fishing in the Nile River and their was real water.I also liked teaser hunt thing we found every teaser but the cat and we did not finish the puzzle ! so I was kind of sad but it was still fun.I don't think any group finished the puzzle.I loved Iceland to the glacier was really cool I also liked the water fall the rocks that are made out of form are really cool they are so real realistic looking IFAIR WAS SO MUCH FUN!

  8. I loved International Fair! The thing that I liked about Egypt was the Red Sea and that we could do virtual reality to see the ocean, fish, and dolphins.
    I also liked that we could fish in the Nile River.
    I liked Iceland because in the garden house there was something that had water in it and it went up and down. It was really fun! I also liked the northern lights, because of the pretty colors! :)

  9. I cant chose because they were both great! So I will tell you two things
    that I liked. Egypt: I liked the river nile because there was REAL WATER!!!!
    And I liked the hunt in the sand but we did not finish it. Iceland: I liked the northern lights because they were actually changing colors! I also liked the garden house because it was inspiering.

  10. One of my favorite things was finding the Egyptian things in the sand. I also liked fishing in the Nile. In Iceland I liked the whale watching. I was surprised to hear King Tut ruled from the age of 9 until he died at 15.

  11. I loved going on these trips. It was super fun! I think I liked Egypt a
    little more
    than Iceland.
    I Liked the part where you get to dig in the sand. we were so close to making the puzzle! I also liked the part where we got to go fishing.

  12. Internation fair this year was awesome! I liked Egypt because

    in the market you get to see some foods from eygypt. Then you got to dig in the sand and find things. and then we got to fish!

    1. ice land was fun to. my favorite part of ice land was the caves. you got see the northern sky.

    2. this was jack who said it as shelby

  13. My favorite parts about Egypt was fishing in the nile river. I also loved the digging. My favorite parts about Iceland was the northern light. Also the green house. I loved International Fair.

  14. I liked Egypt because the mummy was wrapped in toilet paper. I also liked that you could fish in the Nile. Iceland was cool because it was actually cold, and you could make a necklace. They were both great!

  15. My favorite thing in Egypt was the fishing. Also the looking inside of the tomb. The thing I liked about Iceland was when we could sew. Also when we could learn about puffins.

  16. I liked Egypt because you could dig in a sand pit that was really fun. And i liked how we got to do virtual reality. I liked Iceland to we got to see the northern lights it was so cool. And i like how they made it cold.

  17. I really liked Egypt because of the fishing and digging for items in the sand. I really liked Iceland because of the Northern lights and the water fall.

    1. I also really liked the necklaces we got from Iceland. I realized that I play the Egyptian gams!

  18. My favorite was Egypt. because you got to fish and look for suff in the sand. I like to smell the spices some I did not like. I like Iceland to because the miler lites were prity cool. my most favorite was fishing. I did not like how the sand got in your feet that is the olny thing I did not like but I still liked.
