Tuesday, September 11, 2018


Today we read the book The Girl Who Ran by Bobbi Gibb, and we talked about the stance persistence.  Persistence means to never give up, to stick it out and to keep trying. Persistence is when you stick with something even when it is hard. 
Bobbi knew in her gut that she wanted to run. It was a part of her, and she listened to that voice, even though many other voices told her she couldn't and shouldn't. Even though her dad did not support her, she persisted. She didn't have friends who shared her interest, she didn't have the right shoes and clothes, and she didn't have any races to join. But she went on anyway. 
Please write about a time when you showed persistence in something that you did. Please write 4 to 5 sentences in complete sentences with the correct capitalization and end marks.


  1. I am persistent at gymnastics. When I can't do it right I try again and again. But I don't give up! Every time I make a mistake I learn from it and get better and better every time!

  2. Once I wanted to draw something. I found something to draw. I tried and tried and I never got it. Then I finely got it. It turned out great!

  3. I do ice skating and sometimes you fall.So one time i belly flopped on the ice but I kept on going!

  4. Mine is like a beautiful oops. I messed up with a Sharpe on a very important picture. But I kept trying.
    And that's a rap!

  5. To Mrs Oconell. I am persistent. I was racing my friends on my bike. I fell down. but later I raced them again. P.S I won the last race.

  6. I was at a game and I tried my front walk over and I fell down. I landed on my knee and I tried again. I did it that time.

  7. I was persistent when I tried to draw a picture. I had to erase A LOT!

    1. I was Persistent when I tried to draw a picture. I had to erase A LOT! It took 2 days. I got really frustrated.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. I had a lego set my sister said I couldint to it but I persisted and did it

    1. i had a lego set once. my sister said i couldint do it but i persisted and did it. and it was really hard. i had a liltle bumbs but i did it.

  10. Once I went fishing with my dad. And it was so hot and we forgot to reel in the rod. So when we reeled in the rod we caught a dead catfish. So I was persistent and cast again and we caught a blacktip shark with the catfish.

  11. Once I was planing football and I tried to get a sack. I missed but tried again and sacked the QB.

  12. I was trying to do round off. but i kept messing up. but i kept trying and trying then i got it. i was so happy.

  13. Once I was playing football. And I was going out for a pass and I missed. And I got sad. But! Than I cot it. My dad was so happy.

  14. I was playing with my nano-magnits and I got frustrated. But I kept on trying and I did it!

  15. I was persistent when I was skiing in powder I face planted in the powder and got right back up. I have ben practicing getting up in powder and now I am a level nine.I can ski the hole mountain. I like to race at ski parks.

  16. I was baking & I thought the buttercream frosting was going turn out bad. But it turned out great!

  17. I was leaning how to go between my legs and behind my back. I kept trying and trying. Until I GOT IT! Now look at me.

  18. Before it was really chunky and I kept putting in powder sugar in it and it worked. It turned out delicious. I am so glad I did not give up.

  19. I was struggling with math facts. My Dad set me up on IXL app. I did IXL for 30 minutes each day for 3 weeks. I could tell my math was improving.
