Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Random Acts of Kindness

Last week was Random Acts of Kindness week! 

Please share one RAK that you did. How did doing this random kind act make you feel?

What are your ideas of RAK that you want to do in the future? Has anyone done a RAK for you? What was it? How did you feel about it? Write at least five sentences with the correct capitalization and punctuation. 


  1. My mom gives me water when i have a head ache. A RAK in the future i would want to do is help people on their college work and problems that they might not have learned yet or fully studied.
    A RAK that i have done was when my mom fell in the snow in Aspen, i offered to hold her gloves that were extremely icy and cold. One other thing i did was say "Good Morning." to Dr. Trusty when he walked by to look at the fantastic cows that the lower school students have made. Thank you for reading this segment. Goodbye!

  2. My grandfather, my family and I made 1,500 burgers at the NRG stadium during Harvey. It felt so good. In the future a good act of kindness would be to make a lemonade stand. One time my little brother made me a water bottle when I was sick. That made me feel so good.

  3. One of the things I did on rak week was when my mom was busy I played baseball with my little sister and she loved it. I think I will help my mom make diner tonight. My big sister is making me some nachos right now she is make them because I'm going to have to leave right now. I think rak week should be every week and it could be every week if you want it to be you just have to be kind and compassionate and give a loving hand.

  4. I once did a thing for Harvey.Then I also did take out the trash and recycling.Are family once donated 50 books to Yellow stone academy. Are family is full of RAK I say good morning and thank you.

  5. 1 of the RAK that I did was during Harvey was let my grand parents stay in are house. P.S. they moved out today. A RAK I could do in the future is save people b.c. I want to be a doctor. It feels so good to be kind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I held the door for lots of people. I also smiled and said hello. I felt really good after doing things for people. I saw someone putting notes on peoples lockers that were complementing them. People were so happy when they saw them.

  7. One random act of kindness is that I hold the door for people. Another kind thing I do is that I smile. In the future I want to help my brother with his homework. I want to be kinder in the future.I hope we all do!

  8. One RAK is holding the door for someone. Today I wrote Ms. Yasi, Ms. Lemon and Mrs. Babine a note. I said they were awesome! another RAK is when I helped my mom fold laundry. And I like to say hello to everyone!

  9. This week I helped my mom bring in groceries because she was not feeling well.( She is much better. She barely even sniffles) Last week, when my dad was sick, he needed a prescription. My dad had to take me to softball practice, but the nurse at the doctors office said she would meet him at my softball fields to give him the medicine. I thought that was very kind of her to go out of her way to give medicine to a patient. Also, when my dad was sick, he was mindful that we needed to stay away from him. He never touched anything directly with his hands. In the future, I would like to volunteer at an animal shelter and adopt a rescue. 😇🐶

  10. Well a man and a old man in a wheel chair were coming inside. So it looked like they needed help coming inside. And I opened the door for them. When my friend wanted to be jackpot when I was before the game started I let her be jackpot I also did the same thing for being goaly at P.E.

  11. Let people take your time as goaly . Help people when you are done . I helped my mom bring groceries inside . I held the doors for lots of people 🙋🏼‍♂️🙋‍♀️🙋🏼‍♂️🙋‍♀️

  12. During RAK week I helped my mom work at the concession stand. It felt great! Today my mom helped me study the multiplication facts that I do not know as well. A few days ago I helped my mom bring in the groceries. Last week I held the door for my dad because he was carrying my stuff. That was his RAK for me!

  13. When I was at baseball practice my team mate wanted to be the base that I was at, so I let him be it. last weekend, I went with my mom to the grocery store when I could have been on my computer.

  14. Today at batting practice I let someone go before me because he really wanted to bat next. I feed my dog for my parents sometimes. It feels good to be nice and help. When I was going to school someone held the door for me.

  15. Today I opened the door for Mrs.Carol and she told me thank you. I asked if I could help with snacks in treble choir. Mr. Karner told me he didn't need help but said thank you for asking. I told him you're welcome and didn't complain because I didn't get to pass out the snacks.

  16. I liked Rak week beacause you feel good when you do a Rak. A Rak for the future would be making a lemonade stand for a charity. A Rak that my mom did for me was taking care of me when I had a cold. My favorite Rak was makining thank you cards for are old teachers. I hope that there will be a Rak month.

  17. i helped my grandmother wash the dishes and she said thank you. then i helped her cary the food into the rafrigearater. i held the door for my grandmother and i felt happy.

  18. I helped my mom cary the groceries to the car because my brother was not feeling well and she had to cary him to the car. I helped my mom at my brothers basketball game because she had to go get water and my brother had to change in to his basket ball jersy. I help my grandmother by waking him up for school so she could make breakfast for my sister.
