Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Pioneer Hour Reflections

I am so proud of each of you! Your journals, wiki, podcast, and Voice Thread were thoughtful, historically accurate and VERY entertaining!  You worked very hard today, and it showed in front of your parents!!!  Please write four or more sentences about Pioneer Hour today. Which project were you the most proud to share? What was the best compliment you received? What did you think about how we set things up?  Be thoughtful with your answers!!! Be sure to watch the four videos below and comment on them as well!!! 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Life in Houston at the Kinkaid School!!!

We are already having fun quadblogging with our new friends from England, Scotland, and Spain!!!  We are going to tell you a little bit about our school The Kinkaid School and our about our big city, Houston, Texas!!! Please ask any questions that we can answer as well!  We are excited to learn about your country and school too!!! 

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Making Butter for Pioneer Hour!!!

Shake Shake Shake!!!
Angus, You need to take a breath!!!
That was really fun making butter like the pioneers did in the mid 1800's.  What was your favorite part of making butter.  Write 3 to 4 complete sentences about making butter and also include the second way the pioneers made butter while traveling in their wagons.  Also write about what you looking forward to at Pioneer Hour?


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Courage to do the Right Thing!!!


In assembly last Friday, Mrs. Babine talked about courage.
She said that one way to define courage is the ability to do something difficult even if you are afraid.

Please share a time when you have had the courage to:
  • tell the truth the first time you are asked/admit a mistake
  • stand up for a friend
  • stand up for yourself
How did you feel when your were admitting to making a mistake. Were you nervous? Were you sorry for what you did? Has anyone ever stood up for you in a tough situation? Make sure to write at least five good sentences. 


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Science Test

Make Mrs. Sayuk and myself proud! Teach me some information about circuits and electricity. Impress me with your knowledge.  Write at least six well written sentences.  Use your notes if you need to!!!  Have fun!!!