Have you found some interesting facts about Greece yet? Use this link about Greece to
read more about Greece. Please write two new facts you
have learned about this country. Please read your classmates'
responses and try to post something new and different. What are your wonders about Guatamala? Please write at least one QUESTION you hope to learn the answer to for this country. Read your classmates' posts. Please do not repeat questions! Watch your grammar and punctuation!!!
Westward Ho! We have now chosen our pioneer names. Introduce yourself to the wagon train. Tell
your name, age, gender and your role in the family. Tell us a little bit about your family. Use your knowledge
from our research and Joshua's Journal to tell about your responsibilities on the trail and how you are getting ready for the 2,000 mile journey to Oregon. Please write about four to five sentences and check for correct grammar and punctuation.
Please watch this video and write four complete sentences about new information and facts that you learned about the Oregon Trail or Westward Expansion!!! Please also write two sentences on things you are still wondering about. Be sure to check your grammar and punctuation at the beginning and the end of your sentences.
It's a new year
and time to think about what we want to do differently. It's a great
time to set goals for yourself and resolve to do something new and
good. There is always room for improvement in the coming year for all
of us. What are your New Year resolutions, or promises, that you want
to work on in 201? Write a least three to four goals and tell us why
you chose those particular ones. For example, I know that I want to
continue to exercise, but I want to exercise even more. Exercise gives
me energy and helps me to stay in shape. I also want to eat healthier
because it is good for my body, skin, and my overall health. Another
resolution I want to accomplish is to relax more. I think relaxing is
good for you and it takes away a lot of stress. My last resolution is
to spend lots of time with my family and friends. They are important to
me, so I want to be with them a lot this coming year. Let's hear
yours!!! Watch out for correct grammar and punctuation!!!!